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Read Our Reviews

I had the wonderful pleasure of working with Tiffany on a transmission issue in August of 2024. She went above and beyond with exceptional customer service in order to contact my warranty holder about paying for my replacement. With her help, I was able to avoid paying thousands of dollars. Her patience, knowledge, problem-solving skills, and kindness were exceptional. Both Tiffany and the shop were very quick on communication and pick-up/delivery of the vehicle while being well-priced. Highly recommend this company and specifically, Tiffany at the Garner location!

Tyler B.

Had a great experience with AAMCO. My transmission went out and they were there to save the day. They had my truck towed in at no cost. They completely replaced the transmission. I would highly recommend them. Tiffany at the front was so easy to deal with. She stayed in contact and let me know everything that was happening. Very nice!

Patrick W.

AAMCO provided great service when my daughter’s transmission needed to be replaced. Tiffany helped me navigate a claim with our difficult warranty company. AAMCO went above and beyond and my daughter and I are happy with their work.

Amy K.

My truck has been setting for a year cause Capital Ford in Raleigh messed my transmission up. They told me it would be cheaper to buy a new truck. Yeah right. I found my angels at AAMCO. They fixed my transmission put a new battery in it and got it detailed. May I say the price was allot cheaper than I could have imagined. The ones I spoke with never gave me an attitude or made me feel like I was a bother. They listened to my story and apologized for the way I was done by capital ford and set me at ease. And I called multiple times since they had and every time they reassured me I was more than welcome to call . I have to go back in two weeks to make sure all the fluids are still good free of charge. They are amazing. I will let everyone know how my next visit goes. Also my truck looks and runs amazing. Thank you guys so much.

Mandy P.

The level of customer service that I received was nothing but amazing. It started with Tiffany’s phone etiquette and concerns for my car to George getting all the information needed to starting my repair. Start to finish was exceptional. I will definitely give AAMCO my business. First ever car repair experience and it was smooth. 10/10 highly recommend.

Aneita B.

We needed the transmission fluid replaced—they were great. They were honest and efficient. Prices were descent—they do all kinds of car fixes and are a licensed inspection center. Staff was super friendly—Give them a try.

Jeffrey W.

I ended up at AAMCO because my former mechanic couldn’t fix an issue with my vehicle. Not only did AAMCO fix that problem but they have fixed several issues with my other vehicles as well, that no one could seem to figure out. I highly recommend you give Tiffany and George a call; have them set up your diagnostic appointment, you will be happy that you did. They’re mechanics are great.

Anthony O.

I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to George, Tiffany, and the mechanic, Jason, for their outstanding service. They are the best customer service team I have ever had the pleasure of dealing with. Their excellent teamwork and strong work ethic have truly impressed me. I will recommend this station as often as possible and remain a lifelong customer. Thank you all for your dedication and exceptional service.

Fred F.

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