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Full Service Oil, Lube and Filter Change Garner

Most technicians agree that changing the engine oil and filter on a regular basis is the single most important maintenance service for your car, truck or SUV. Refer to your car’s owners manual for the factory recommendation on oil changes – or if you are an I-Phone user, download our FREE I-gAAuge application for your maintenance schedule. If you are often in stop-and-go traffic, city driving, or go on frequent short trips, you may want to change your oil more often.

oil change

What Our Full Service Oil Change Includes

An AAMCO full service oil, lube and filter change includes:

  • Up to 5 quarts of engine oil
  • New oil filter
  • Lubrication of all grease fittings on your vehicle, as applicable
  • Plus AAMCO’s 36-point Multi-Point Inspection, to ensure all major systems in your vehicle are in good working order

Get Your Free Inspection Today